Craig Had No Input to This 100% Accurate Blog Post, By me, Mia or Gnocchi as I like to be called!

 Craig, you are an inspiration and my hero.

Okay, well my name is Mia Lingxia, but I go by Mia because who has time to say Mia Lingxia? 

I was adopted from China by 2 Italian parents, who oddly kept me whan most would have sent me back express post. I've grown up in the South Melbourne area but I moved to Bali to escape the law when I was 10 and lived there until I was 12. After Bali, we were meant to come straight back to Melbourne but it was going to be winter and we didn't wanna go straight from nice and warm to freezing cold so we went to Italy for a few months, where I learnt how to make gnocchi. I'm super into gnocchi. Some people call me Gnocchi too but that's weird.


I have a job as a waitress at a cafe and the pay is great, but I don't get paid enough to deal with people and their questions. I did work at McDonald's but I quit after a year because I was being groomed by my manager.

I live with my mom, and we've got a dog and a cat. We had 2 dogs, but one dog died suddenly a couple months ago and now he's buried in the backyard. We've lived in the same house for the whole time I've lived in Melbourne. It's cute but it's kinda falling apart. But now my parents are divorced so mom wants to move houses to rid herself of the bad memories. Am I one of those bad memories? We will see if she includes me in the move or if she leaves me behind like Punky Brewster.

Now let's move on to my mental/physical issues. Let's start with physical. SO. I have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis and tendonitis in my left wrist which basically means that the tendon in my wrist is inflamed and something pops. I have helicobacter pylori which means that my stomach makes more acid than usual and has a bacterium that causes inflammation of my stomach lining. I should mention that this also leads to stomach ulcers and stomach cancer!! and level 7 iron. So yay. Lucky me. I have ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, depression and adjustment disorder oh and an eating disorder apparently. 

My hobbies are reading (I have read 102 books so far this year).

I also like writing music, crying myself to sleep, and satanic rituals. I listen to all types of music except for country, classical and techno. I currently can't stop listening to Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar for good reason. I listen to Hamilton a lot. Like it's kind of a problem. I enjoy listening to Queen, Michael Jackson (despite the pedophilia allegations, may he rest in peace), Elton John, Evanescence, and things like that. I play 5 instruments, those being guitar, ukulele, bass, piano and I sing. I used to play cricket, soccer and I have my blackbelt in taekwondo. 

Growing up I wanted to be a teacher, then in high school it changed to a lawyer, then a psychologist, then a music therapist and now I'm back to teaching. But I want to be a primary school teacher because I can't deal with teenagers, with specialization in special education (working with neurodivergent children) and music. I went back to teaching after a teacher told me and I quote: 'I don't care if you cry or slit your wrists when you fail'. No teacher should be saying that and she told me I'd be a shit teacher so I'm spiting her. Although, I vomit and have a panic attack when I speak in public so we'll see how this goes. 

I hope you enjoyed my trauma dump, and thank you for coming to my tedtalk xoxo
