I am introverted... go away! - Introduction to Me

 Hi...I'm Laura. I don't like people and would much rather be at home with my dog instead of here! But since I am stuck here for a few more hours, let me bore you with details about myself...

My name is Laura Bentley (which Craig thinks is a made-up name), I am 18 years old and have lived in Eastern Melbourne my whole life. I was in the Australian Girls Choir for 9 years where I found my love for music and singing. All my life I have been a Christian and that has become a big part of my life. I am now a youth leader at my church, as well as well as a leader in the youth and nigh church band. My life is pretty boring, so I am already struggling to find things to put on here.

In my family, I have my mum who was born in Adelaide, grew up in Queensland and then moved to Melbourne just before starting university. Then there's my dad, who was born and raised in Queensland and met my mum at another wedding. He moved to Melbourne to be with her and then got married, had my annoying older brother and then got the golden child... me! Most importantly, I have a Dog. Her name is Skittles and she is the cutest ranga you'll ever see. 

I used to work at Woolies, until an old white woman called me the 'N' word for not having gluten-free puff pastry. Like suck it up woman! Eat some gluten! And all my manager said was "you'll get used to it' and I was like "Nah I don't want to get used to it" so I left. Then I was jobless for 1 and a half years and then finally got a job at Maccas after being turned down from 6+ places for 'not having experience,' Like how am I meant to get experience if you won't give me a job! Anyway, I have been at Maccas for 6 months now and I'm surprisingly enjoying it.

I am also a massive Collingwood fan, along with my brother, mum and dog. My dad however is a Brisbane fan, so the 2023 Grand Final was very interesting at my house. Go Pies!!!

Thank you for wasting these few minutes reading about my boring self. I hope you will get that time back somehow, sorry.

