In my desi era, always - About me!!

About me :)

Hi! My name is Davina, I am 18 years old, and I was born in New Zealand but was brought up in Australia my whole life. I turn 19 on December 17th. My nationality is Australian but I'm ethnically Indian.  

I grew up in a family of four and I am the youngest. I have an older brother who is 9 years older to me. 

The religion my family and I follow is Catholism. My faith journey as always had its ups and downs and wasn't very strong. But this year after going to Trendsetters from the youth called 'Jesus Youth' it has been on a good level and my journey has been in a stable level. I also got introduced to this youth group from my older brother as he knew about it before me. Also, since me and my brother didn't have a close friendship with each other this youth group has helped us build a close friendship between us. (The first picture is my Trendsetters group for 2024 and the second picture is a photo of me and my volunteer crew from 'The Yes Lord Conference to celebrate the Jesus Youth Melbourne's 20th year. I included this because I had a close bond with each one of them and got close in the 4 days we volunteered for the kids ministry program together.)   

(More photos of my close friends & family friends)

One of my major likes is definitely watching sport. The two sports I love are tennis and soccer. My favourite players as seen above is Grigor Dimitrov (first image was taken with him in Kooyong Tennis). And Novak Djokovic (seen in the third picture and it was taken at a charity match in January this year). My favourite soccer club is Liverpool (shown in the middle picture). 

A reason that we visit India quiet often is because of my dad's second youngest sister and her family living there. The last time I visited India was for my dad's second youngest sister's daughter's wedding as it was for the first wedding happening in our cousins. So, it was a very special moment in our family as my grandparents were alive that time last year before they passed away later in the year. (And below are images that were taken in India last year! :))

The reason why I did Foundation Studies is because I didn't do well in my VCE exams and last year I had also lost both my grandparents before the exams commenced. Also did this course so I can start my degree next year and get into Bachelor of education (primary). 


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