Not Gossip Girl, but better.

Hello Upper East Siders, let me introduce myself, no I am not esteemed New York socialite know it all, life ruining Gossip Girl, I am Sebastian Torres, a boy who grew up in Bogota Colombia, and was fortunate enough to immigrate to Perth Australia at the young age of 8 years old in 2009, you can do the math in regards to my age, because I stopped counting at some point so I am forever 16. 

There are layers to understanding who I am, but at my core there is three things you need to know, 

1. Family first, forever and always. I am very Targaryen in that sense, I would deploy war for my family. Also, you can probably guess, I like Game of Thrones. 

2. Music: my life is entirely centered around music. Here are some of the songs I've had on rotation at the moment

3. I like things in threes. I don't know why, but 3 is the magic number, so even if there were not 3 things to share, I still had to add it in. 

A little explanation about the photos, that is me with my longest childhood friends from Perth. I love returning from Melbourne - and feeling like the town celebrity who left to live in the big city, and left the normal simple life behind, somewhat like Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie. In the second picture, you can see my dogs, they do not like to make public appearances and are very careful about their image, so this one is an exclusive Page Six would have died for. 

That's all for now, there is a new episode of House of the Dragon premiering today and I know my priorities, so you should too. 

xoxo, Not Gossip Girl, But Better 
