somethings fishy


My name is Nic 

I am 19 years old, I work casual at williamstown aquarium and hope to study teaching next year, once finished teaching I then hope to study marine biology.

I have a few hobbies, these include fish tanks, warhammer, magic the gathering, and gaming

I like to be good at what I do and so I try to be good at my hobbies, I play magic the gathering at a high level and try to improve my rank in games. I am also good at warhammer, not so good at playing but I am good at the building and the painting. I am also on what I would consider to be the edge of the fishtank hobby as many of my fish I keep are considered to be impossible to keep. (eg twin spot goby)
I am also experimenting with keeping brackish water fish tanks.

I was born in England and when I was a few months old we moved to New Zealand, then when I was five we moved to Australia. I havent traveled outside of Australia and New Zealand but I am planning to go overseas with some friends late this year or early next year. 

I also go to the gym around 5 times per week, I have issues eating properly so progress is slow but im getting there. 

I have two younger siblings and a Mum and a Dad, I live with my Mum and see my Dad every few days. 

I use alot of tiktok, this is not great for my attention span, however it doesnt stop me from watching 6hr long video essays on youtube

