What is my understanding of digital literacy?



Digital literacy refers to the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate and create information safely and appropriately through digital technologies for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.                                                                                                                             

Link to the first image


Why is it important?
A critical life skill
- It is not only important for career readiness but also for educational and social success.
- This tool is used for students to become more apparent as technology continues to evolve the daily lives of both children and adults. 

How are they used in Daily life?
As we know Digital Literacy is the ability to understand digital technologies and use them effectively in everyday life. In this day and age, many basic skills of human life- socialisation, education, employment and even healthcare access; they are increasingly dependent on digital skills.

Accademic life
Digital literacy enables students to access a vast pool of information, facilitating independent learning. Whether it's for research, self-study, or academic assignments, students with digital literacy skills can explore a multitude of resources, enhancing their overall educational experience. 

What skills are required in order to be digitally literate?
It incorporates the ability to:
  • search,
  • navigate, 
  • create,
  • communicate & collaborate,
  • think critically, 
  • analyse information, 
  • & address safety and wellbeing 
using a variety of digital technologies. 

These skills are essential for individuals to participate effectively in today's society. 

How are my digital skills?
To be really honest, my digital skills are mediocre and I know the basics of digital literacy. For example I know how to access, communicate and create information safely and appropriately through digital technologies. I still need to improve on managing, understanding and evaluating information safely and appropriately. 
