A Day In My Digital Life - Mia Lingxia Cerantonio-Pisera

A Day In My Digital Life


In today's society, we are constantly surrounded by technological devices. From when we wake up, till when we go to sleep we are always using some sort of digital device or seeing someone else use digital devices. Everyday we are interacting with some form of technology, whether it's at home, university or on public transport. This blog will give you an outline of how technology is incorporated into my daily life. 


When I wake up, it's because my phone alarm has gone off and the noise is just your generic alarm sound, I unfortunately don't have anything interesting to start of my day. After I've woken up, I take a couple of minutes just to see if anyone important has messaged me and after I have done that then I usually put my phone away as I don't like being on it so much at the start of my day. 

These are the apps that I check in the morning. 

After I have gotten ready for the day, I set up my music and walk to my tram stop. When I'm on the tram, I don't use my phone unless I'm skipping a song or queuing music. However, while I'm on the tram I read a book on my kindle. 


While I am at University I use a range of different apps and websites to help me with my studies. I use Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint and my notes app to help with my studies. If it is required, I use youtube to watch videos for the class that I am currently in. 

When working as part of a group assignment, I use messages, snapchat (rarely) and instagram to keep in contact with them and discuss important information. 

These are the apps and websites that I use while at university. 

Usually, when I am on my lunch break during university, I go on my phone and respond to messages that I have missed since I last checked. If my friends are being fools, I use the camera on my phone to record them. 

These are the apps that I respond to messages on. 

When I head home after all my classes at university are finished, I pretty much do the same thing as what I when I head to university. I listen to Spotify, and read my book. 

My classes end around 4, so I get home around 5 each day. I feed my dogs, and wait for my mom to get home. We have dinner around 6-6:30 and after dinner, I chill out and watch something on Netflix, Disney+ and/or YouTube for about 45 minutes. After those 45 minutes are up, I start homework. If I have an assignments coming up I work on those, however, if I don't I review what I have done in class that day. While studying I use the pomodoro method which helps me to focus by using the app 'Focus Plant'. The pomodoro method is as follows: 

- 25 minutes of study
- 5 minute break
- 25 minutes of study
- 5 minute break
-25 minutes of study
- 5 minute break 
- 25 minutes of study
-30 minute break 
After I feel like I've done enough study for the night, I go back to watching something on Netflix, Disney+ and/or YouTube. While doing this, I play a couple games on my phone. 

Before I go to sleep, I obviously brush my teeth and wash my face. I put out my clothes that I'm going to wear the next day, pack my bag and set my alarm. Before I go to sleep, I doomscroll on TikTok or instagram. 

I use a range of technological devices and apps throughout my day. After checking my ScreenTime in settings, it is shown that I spend around 10 hours on my phone per day. This shows that I'm quite reliant on all of my devices throughout my day. 
