A Day In My Digital Life


Jessica Conder S00387674


In this day and age it is almost impossible to get away with a day without using some form of technology, so many people within my generation and others will be found to be heavily consumed by some form of digital device throughout their day. It has been researched that those who started using a phone at the age of 12, will have spent an entire 12 years of their lives looking at their phone screens, now that’s just their phone, we're not talking about their other digital devices and the world around them, isn’t that a little scary?

With that aside, digital devices and platforms in this day and age are nearly why our society functions on a day-to-day necessity. I'll admit, from the moment I wake up the first thing I reach for is my phone, whether that’s to turn off my alarm, or even check in with what others are doing in their digital shared worlds, the fact is throughout the day right up to bedtime I will use many forms of technology to get me through the day.

I hope your device's battery is charged because I’m about to show you a glance into what a day in my digital life looks like…


Not only do I mindlessly death scroll my way through Instagram reels, but I find that my main communication means is to communicate through social media, Snapchat being my number 1 communication platform, I use Facebook and Facebook messengers to stay connected with my family over in England, to keep in touch about each other’s lives and happenings.

Using communication apps is helpful for not only keeping in touch with friends but also allows for communication of Uni assignments, work shifts, details, sports locations, and team communication and expectations. It offers a means of communication with others right from your very own device no matter the location


When I commute from home to uni or uni to home, I try to use all my travel time best of my ability, this is by completing any unfinished uni work, starting any assessments, or keeping on top of any upcoming tasks. As I hate public communication and small talk on the train, I am quick to put in my AirPods and listen to music through Spotify, so no one tries to interact with me, then I open my computer to check any emails on Outlook, respond to any priority emails and then continues with any work through canvas.

The Vline App allows me to check the trains running regionally to and from Geelong and Melbourne, While the trains are unpredictable the app provides a means to keep up to date with what times the trains are leaving, time of arrival to destinations as well as allows you to see the stops the train will take along the way and the number of carriages for that train. I find this app useful so I can get on the right train, so I arrive on time to go to uni and get home, as well as see what trains run express back to Geelong, and see if there is a possibility of getting a seat when the traveling during peak times




On the days that I'm at uni, I will use many forms of digital platforms, Accessing Canvas for course materials and to keep up to date on assignments I use Microsoft Word for any means of work or not, communication through Microsoft Teams and Outlook helps me stay in the know on class work and any changes or key things to be notified on, I use google for my means of research as it has so many options and sites to be located through and allows me to gain a broader means of information. When in class I sometimes will use the calculator app to help me with any quick calculations. Another app that I find useful is my calendar as it notifies me when classes are about to start, and any tasks or assignments are due on certain days well as keeps up with my study plan, so I can see when and where I have spare time to fit in study around my day to day life.


As I mentioned earlier in my blog I use my weather app a lot, some people find it weird, but I find this app to be helpful for not only what I stated above about being prepared and suitably dressed for the day's happenings, but I also use it to check the wind forecasts. As a sailor, I closely watch the weather systems and check for where there are perfect sailing conditions to train, race, and pick the right weather band too which allows me to work on fixing my boat without any weather disturbance. Having weather apps such as BOM, Channels Wind, and Wind Hub, allows me to check and plan out future events and set race courses for weekend racing that will cooperate with the wind strength and direction, and race time.


Another app that I use in during the day is the Bendigo Bank App, this app allows me to control my online banking, monitor that my pay goes into the right account, put away my savings into a separate savings account, as well as move money onto my card when I need money to pay for things, this means when I make a purchase I have to go through the moving money process where I see the money leave my bank account. Helps me save money long term.


On an evening after commuting home on an uni day, I find myself spending my nights either completing more uni work once I get home, or I spend my time relaxing Watching live sports events like Sail GP and hockey, or keeping up on my show series on Binge.


When I’m not at home I use the Team App, and Sailor App, to keep up to date with my sports teams to know when and where training and games are as well as communicate availability. Whilst at hockey training I track my running and when I'm racing I track my sailing, so I can look back and see when and where my racing tactics worked to my advantage and where I stuffed up a tack.

Night: 10:30 PM – Bedtime

Right before I go to bed I like to have some me time and wind down by playing my guitar and singing, I like to learn new songs from the Ultimate Guitar app. Then I put my Spotify back on to put on a podcast to fall asleep to.


By now I have taken up some of the digital time of your day in reading about my daily digital life, but as this may only take minutes to read, this adds up to a total of 2-4 hrs of my day consumed in digital technologies. A lot of the technological platforms that I use are used for either Uni, Sports, Communication, or daily life. And yes I'll admit, I would struggle without it.
