A day in my digital life

 A day in my digital life


In today's world, we rely heavily on digital tools and apps for almost everything. They help us work better, stay entertained, and keep in touch with others easily. Join me as I walk you through a typical day in my digital life, showing you the apps and tools I use every day. In today's digital age, these tools and apps seamlessly integrate into my daily routine, facilitating productivity, connectivity, and entertainment.

Early Morning

"Beep-beep-beep" That's the sound of my alarm which unfortunately goes off at 5am every morning. The extremely early start is for me to get out of bed and then to start getting ready for work. Every night before, I go to sleep and dread this moment. I tend to snooze the alarm usually once or twice and then I'm eventually up. I start everyday by going onto YouTube and completing a morning stretch. This is followed by a shower and then I'm off to work which is when Spotify starts to act as my soulmate for the rest of the morning. Whether it be listening to my favourite podcasts or playing some music to either sooth myself into the day or to either wake me up even more when I'm still experiencing that lack of sleep, It is the perfect app to start my morning. On my way to work I always make sure to stop by the local 7/11 to grab a coffee with my 7/11 rewards app which I then follow up by paying with apple pay. Quick and easy which is what makes Apple Pay so dangerous. When I arrive at work I always need to open up the Deputy app to clock on for my shift as It's compulsory. At work I do mostly have the opportunity to listen to music so Spotify continues to play on in the background.

        Morning-Early Afternoon

On a day where University is the key subject of my mornings, It is always essential to have to use my phone to check apps such as the outlook app for emails, teams for any updates, canvas for my timetable and upcoming assessments, and many more. I use mostly all of these when also in University and am mainly using Microsoft 365 for applications such as Powerpoint, Word, Excel etc.

Late Afternoon

Once home from either work or uni, I love to kick back and watch some YouTube whilst having something to eat or I love to scroll through TikTok or Instagram reels endlessly for god knows how long. Entertainment based apps is a huge part of my life and the three listed would be in my top three most used. However, right after Kayo as I am a big sports watcher and I am constantly always putting It on in the background when I'm bored or if I'm sadly tuning in to watch St Kilda lose week in and week out. 


Later on in the evening I like to go to the gym and workout or go for a run. I love to try and stay as healthy as I can and In the fitness world these days everything you do can be influenced by something you see on your phone or recorded by an app you use on your phone. Me personally I even have to use my phone to scan into my gym everyday. Whether it be apps such as Strava for running, Strong for weightlifting or the Garmin app to help track myself during footy training, they all play a big role to play in my everyday life. After my physical activity this is when I love to lay back and put on some Kayo. Don't be surprised if during this time either DoorDash or Uber Eats is opened up to help ease my hunger after exercise. I am then back on my phone right before bed for some more entertainment and to make sure I have everything set for me to be ready in the morning.


What is scientifically recommend to people I definitely overuse technology. However, In the world we live in today it is absolutely essential in our day to day lives. There are definitely times I could cut back on the entertainment side of things but other than that I am completely content with the way I balance my life with technology.

Ps. This is not the most accurate week in week out depiction of my screen time as I was travelling last week and that means a lot more time spent on Plants Vs Zombies and Netflix. I'm sure you could figure out what days I was on a plane.
