A Day In My Digital Life

 Spend A Day With Me In My Life 

By Cassie Spiteri S00376882


As a young adult in this generation, my days are heavily consumed with different forms of digital tools and platforms. From the moment I wake up to the time I’m ready for bed, my daily routine is intertwined with technology in ways that both help me with my day to day and also let me rot in bed. Whether it's checking my social media feeds, managing my schedule through different apps, school work, or unwinding with digital entertainment, each moment is touched by the virtual world. Come along with me as I walk you through a typical day in my digital life and discuss how, in our tech-driven, fast-paced world, these tools affect my social relationships, productivity, and general way of life.

Waking Up (My 5-9 before my 9-5) 

5:00am Wake Up

The sound of the Apple Clock App, which wakes me up at 5:00am, greets me every morning. I use this app every morning to make sure I get a good start on the day, and this app never fails me. 

5:05am Health Check
I turn to the Garmin Connect App after turning off the alarm. I always use this to check my heart rate and sleep quality. This step helps me assess how well I slept and determines my body's preparedness for the day ahead. This allows me to plan my energy levels and make adjustments.

5:10am Weather Check 
I check the weather app next to see what the morning holds. Planning my morning run requires knowing the weather, and this app gives me up-to-date forecasts so I can dress appropriately and modify my run location if needed.

5:20am Ready To Run 

After checking the weather, I put on my running shoes and launch the Runna app. My morning runs would not be the same without this app, which gives me precise information about my heart rate, pace, distance, and route. Runna keeps me motivated and on track whether I'm training for a race or just completing my daily runs. 

6:20am Post Run Planning

I check my calendar app and give myself a moment to cool down after my run once back at home. This is where I see a summary of my daily activities, appointments, and to-do list. It also shows me what run I have to complete tomorrow morning.  My calendar is my holy grail. 

6:30am Nutrition Tracking

Finally, I head to the kitchen for breakfast, and before taking a bite, I log into MyFitnessPal App.  To reach my fitness goals and maintain a balanced diet, I must keep track of the calories and food I consume. This app allows me to accurately record my food intake and lets me keep track of the calories i’m eating throughout the day to ensure i’m also burning enough as well. 

6:35am Phone Check In

While eating breakfast this is my time to check my phone. This allows me to catch up on any missed messages, emails and social media notifications. This part of the day allows me to keep up to date with my personal life before starting my academic one for the day. 

7:00am Train Time Check 

As I prepare to leave the house, I check the PTV App to see my train time. This app helps me plan my commute and ensures I’m on time for the day.

8:00am On The Train 
By 8:00am, I’m on the train, using the commute to unwind and catch up on social media in depth. I spend this time scrolling through TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, enjoying entertaining content, checking updates from friends, and staying connected with the digital world. It’s a perfect way to ease into the day.

9:00am Start University 

My Day (My 9-5 after my 5-9) 

9:00am Start University
My university day kicks off at 9:00am. The first thing I do upon arrival is open the MyACU App. This app is essential for checking my study timetable, ensuring I know exactly which classes I have and where they’re located. It's my academic compass, guiding me through the day.

Class Time

Throughout the day, I attend three classes. Each class demands a different set of tools and resources. I rely heavily on Microsoft applications to stay organized and productive. 

  • Outlook: I use this for all my email communications, whether it's staying in touch with my teachers, receiving updates on class schedules, or collaborating with classmates on group projects.

  • Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: These are my go to apps for creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Whether I'm taking notes, or preparing a presentation, these tools are essential. 

  • Canvas: This platform is where I see all my upcoming assessment due dates, ongoing class work, and detailed class outlines. 

3:00pm Finish University 
Once University is complete I will again check the PTV app to ensure I know my route and times home. 

4:10pm Arrive At Home

After a busy day at university, I get home at 4:10 PM. The first thing I do is drop my bag, take a deep breath, and prepare for my time before dinner.

4:30pm Walk and Podcast Time
By 4:20pm, I’m out the door for a walk. I like to go on my walks at this time to ensure I reach my step goal before going home and marinating in bed for the rest of the night. I always bring along my phone and headphones so I can listen to podcasts on Spotify. My podcasts make my walk more enjoyable. 

5:10pm Relax and Unwind

Once I’m home, I turn to one of my favourite daily activities… online shopping. The convenience of shopping from home means I don’t have to spend time traveling or wandering aimlessly around stores. Instead, I can explore a wide range of products, compare prices, and take advantage of online discounts.

My Night (My Favourite Time Of Day) 

6:30pm Dinner Time 

Before I start eating, I make sure to log my meal into the MyFitnessPal App. To ensure after dinner is complete I would have reached my calorie intake for the day. 

7:00pm Evening Communication 

Staying in touch with loved ones is a vital part of my evening. I use various communication tools, like Phone Calls, iMessage, and FaceTime, to connect with family and friends. Whether it’s chatting in the living room to immediate family or saying goodnight to extended family members, these tools keep my relationships strong despite busy schedules.

8:00pm Streaming and Binging 

Night time is my time to turn to streaming services like Netflix, Stan, Disney+, Foxtel, and YouTube to relax. Whether I’m binge-watching a TV show or catching up on the latest movies, streaming offers endless entertainment from the comfort of my home. This nightly ritual helps me destress and enjoy some downtime before bed.

10:00pm Night Time Workout
Before hitting the sack, I like to get in a quick ab workout using the Nike Training Club App. This app provides guided workouts that are easy to follow and fit perfectly into my nighttime routine. A short, focused workout helps me stay active and provides better sleep. 

11:00pm Set Alarm For The Next Morning

My Videos

Nike Training Club App (Ab Workout)


Reflecting on a day in my digital life, it's clear that technology is the main aspect of my routine, enhancing productivity, connectivity, and entertainment. From using apps I didn’t mention such as Safari and Google Maps for directions and traffic updates to apps I did mention like managing my day with MyACU, Microsoft, and Canvas. I also take advantage of everyday apps like Settings, Camera, Photos, and NAB for convenience and efficiency. My afternoons are spent unwinding with Spotify podcasts and exploring online shopping, while evenings are reserved for connecting with loved ones through phone communication and enjoying streaming services. This incorporation of technology into my life highlights the influence of digital technologies in the present day by simplifying daily tasks and enriching experiences in an easier way.
