
Am I illiterate???

  What is digital literacy? Digital literacies are the skills and ability to use digital technology effectively and safely. It’s important because as technology advances, it is becoming more and more intertwined in every aspect of our lives. The majority of people use digital technology daily whether it be for communication, entertainment, education, work or health. I thought I was digitally literate  Growing up in the early 2000's, I was exposed to computers and then mobiles  from a relatively young age. After school I would head home and log straight into MSN and chat with my friends until bed time. On weekends I would invite my cousins over and we would play Sims for 8 hours straight. I always thought of myself as confident with technology. In my work life, I was able to pick up new programs relatively quickly even when they were less than user friendly. I could problem solve when we couldn't figure out a certain feature and I was often the person that people would come to f

Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants? What am I, and Why? - Laura Bentley

Digital Native vs Digital Immigrant

What is my understanding of digital literacy?

hey sisterssssssss

What is digital literacy? - Nicholas Harvey

Blog post 3, digital natives vs digital immigrants - Nicholas Harvey

In my desi era, always - About me!!



ADHD and Autism in a bottle - Introduction to me

Welcome to my life

Jack :]

A bit about Maddy

A Day in My Digital Life - Craig Taylor

Hamish :)